Documentation and Guides
Detailed guides and tutorials to maximize the impact of our interactive tools and games.
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About workshop.games

Learn how we collect and utilize your data to enhance your experience with our online teamwork tools and virtual games, while adhering to GDPR regulations.

We provide gamified solutions to enhance workshops and meetings. Please review our terms carefully to understand the policies governing your use of our website.

Learn about the origins, offerings, and design philosophy of workshop.games, your ultimate facilitation partner.
Getting started

Learn the basics of how to facilitate a session on workshop.games
Tools and games

Learn how to run "Connect the Dots" game to demonstrate the difficulty of accurate estimates and how a deceptively simple task can be challenging.

A tool for making random decisions in a fun and engaging way.

Learn how to facilitate and use "Elephant in the Room" to create a safe and open environment for discussing sensitive topics during meetings or workshops.

A simple tool for tracking timeboxes and managing tasks effectively.

Learn how to facilitate and use the "Equilateral Triangle" game to demonstrate the power of self-organization and decentralized decision-making.

Learn how the "ESVP" game can be used to understand the mindset of your audience and create a more engaging experience.

A tool for making random decisions in a fun and engaging way.

Learn how to facilitate and use the "Multitasking Myth" game to demonstrate the cognitive cost of task switching and the efficiency of mono-tasking.

Learn how to facilitate and play the "Penny Game" or "Coin Game" which demonstrates the principles of flow, batch sizes, and hand-offs.

Learn how to use our Planning Poker tool and tap into the team's collective wisdom.

The Postcard Icebreaker is a fun and engaging way to kick off a meeting or workshop. It encourages participants to share their thoughts and feelings in a creative and non-threatening way.

Use the randomizer tool to create random lists and divide items into groups.

Stay on track with our Timebox Tool. Presets for Daily Scrums, Lean Coffee, and the Pomodoro technique makes it the perfect asset for facilitators and trainers.

A simple tool for tracking timeboxes and managing tasks effectively.